Gospel Springs International

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Our Team

Founders & Senior pastors

Andrew Mkare is the founder and senior pastor of Gospel Springs International. He is married to Abishagi Clementina and blessed with three children. One girl and two boys. As a family, they work together in the ministry work.

In the year 2002 pastor Andrew and his wife hosted a Church Planter who had visited there town in Watamu, Kenya.

Pastor Andrew continued to support the church planter in his mission to plant a church in Watamu.

They went together in a door to door evangelism and after a short while a church was launched with five members.

Six months later in one of the Sunday services, the church planter preached a sermon and after which he testified that the Holy Spirit for many days was speaking to him to hand over the church he had planted to pastor Andrew and reallocate to another place to plant another church but he was resisting.

Now he couldn’t resist to that Voice and he called Pastor Andrew and the wife and prayed for them. That same week, the church planter left Watamu to another city.

That’s how Pastor Andrew received his call to the ministry work.

Moments later after the church planter prayed for us, we both had radical encounters with Jesus Christ and the Fire of God branded our lives forever.

Those moments Ignited a fire on the inside of us that we cannot contain and have to share with the broken world around us.

We sold our plot and house and invested all the proceeds from the sales in the ministry work. People looked at us as crazy, but we chose to “see the invisible and believe for the impossible’’.

We are passionate about waking up the church to the end time revival and winning the lost at any cost!

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