Gospel Springs International

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Mission Outreach:

We do organize and Conduct Christian Gospel Crusades and conferences in different regions of the World.

Our Mission is to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with all nations of the world.

The Great Commission is our obligation in completing this noble cause, we are always reminded to go into the wWorld and make disciples of all nations (Mathew 28:19).

As written, God’s people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), we are called to save God’s people from physical and spiritual death due to ignorance of the word of God.

We serve to achieve that by preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all Nations.

Update from the April 2024 Crusade: (Click here for pictures)

The crusade was great. Several testimonies of healing manifestation. 114 Souls accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour. (Day1-28, Day 2-39, and Day 3-47).

We are now conducting a new believers class for foundational teachings.

The cost for conducting a crusade is very high and we had some shortcomings here and there but we thank God for the big number of souls that accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

By faith, I will again step out for another crusade on the 26th, 27th and 28th April 2024. My heart is out for the Kingdom business of soul winning. Request for continued prayers and support.

God is good!

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Email: info@gospelsprings.com  |   Telephone: +254702742892